Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Conservatives and CPAC Outline Homophobic Agenda of Hate, Disowning GoProud

Conservatives and CPAC Outline Homophobic Agenda of Hate, Disowning GoProud
This hateful trash is from "The Laurel Leader-Call"

Gay Group Tears Conservatives Apart

-by Floyd & Mary Brown

LAUREL — The American Conservative Union (ACU) and the granddaddy of
all conservative conferences, CPAC, are endangered. Many of the
traditional sponsors that supported the conference through thick and
thin years have abandoned ship.

The issue over which the Media Research Center, Heritage Foundation,
Family Research Council and others have left the room is CPAC's
insistence that GOP Proud, an organization of homosexual
self-proclaimed conservatives, be given a booth inside the conference.
For many conservatives, including us, this recognition of GOP Proud
signifies an acceptance of the open promotion of the gay lifestyle
inside the tent of conservatism. As a director of ACU, Floyd is
acutely aware of the power struggles this controversy has unleashed
inside the organization's boardroom.

Donald Devine, in an excellent essay available on the ACU website
under the title, Why We are Conservative, lays out the framework of
ideas that built ACU and the modern conservative movement. Devine, a
professor of political science, former Reagan Administration Official
and longtime director of ACU, harkens back to the editorial debates at
a small publication named National Review in the late 1950's and early

Devine writes, "Before the 1950s, there were no conservatives. There
were traditionalists and libertarians who opposed the dominant welfare
state liberal ideology, and there were Republicans who were 'do it
slower-than-the Democrats,' moderates. But there were no conservatives
in the modern sense. Modern conservatism was invented at National
Review magazine in the mid-fifties, primarily by editors, William F.
Buckley, Jr. and Frank Meyer."

And then Devine shares the brilliant nugget of compromise that
launched the movement and helped it rise to prominence: "As befitting
conservatism's positive view of common sense and tradition, the new
doctrine was not planned but grew from the interactions of its
creative but divided staff, which needed some common ground from which
to publish a coherent enterprise. Meyer dubbed it "fusionist"
conservatism. Its highest value was liberty, but it was a freedom to
be used responsibly as a means to pursue traditionally defined and
virtuous ends. The formula was: conservatism equals relying upon
libertarian means to pursue traditional ends."

Libertarian ideas were used to fight for virtue and traditional ends.
Gays in the military, gay marriage and the promotion of the gay
lifestyle in the schools are not traditional ends.

National Review embraced the Pro-Life movement, standing against the
modern culture of death represented most completely by abortion and
euthanasia. National Review's Editor Bill Buckley spoke out against
the modern movement for homosexual civil rights, calling his ABC NEWS
debating partner Gore Vidal a "Queer," on national TV and then later
writing of Vidal that his, "essays proclaim the normalcy of his
affliction and his art the desirability of it." He is "not to be
confused with the man who bears his sorrow quietly. The addict is to
be pitied and even respected, not the pusher."

No clearer words than Buckley's express our own sentiment toward
homosexuality. It is a sin and the addict is to be pitied and
accepted in Christian love, not the pusher or promoter of the agenda.
Our problem with GOP Proud and why we don't believe they belong in the
conservative tent is because they are the "pusher" of their
alternative lifestyle.

Conservatism has long tolerated homosexuals in its ranks. We have
worked with many on issues as diverse as Gun Rights and getting Ronald
Reagan elected. Floyd learned from and admired Terry Dolan, the
founder and genius behind National Conservative Political Action
Committee (NCPAC) and many of the movements' early election victories.

ACU and Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) were two of the founding
organizations of this movement which first found its voice with Barry
Goldwater, and then later Ronald Reagan. Floyd has served with
homosexuals on both of these boards, and up until this time, both
organizations have been stalwarts of social conservatism. ACU as late
as 2010 passed a resolution in support of traditional marriage.

But the forces of the secular pro-gay culture that surrounds us is now
winning and undermining the great compromise which brought social
conservatives, free market advocates and anti-communists together. And
together they forged victories. Alone, they will be minority voices
scrambling for relevance.
Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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