Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Re: Liberal! Socialist! Fascist! Marxist! Democrat! Moonbat! Muslim! Obamacare! Enemy! Terrorist!

Right on the money Greg.
The truth is, that the hate, lies and smear by far left extremists is "untoppable". 
The terms, "Socialist",  "Marxist",  "Liberal"; "ObamaCare";  and I dare say even "Moonbat"  are not derogatory terms.  They are in fact, accurate descriptions of political thought, political doctrine, and/or political policy.   From a previous post of mine:
The truth is, that the Democratic Party now openly advocates socialism, which by its very definition, is some middle ground and transition to communism.   Although the Democrats used to try and evade the moniker, and distance themselves from being classified as socialists, they do so no more.  Congresswoman Maxine Waters, (D. Cal.)  this past summer, parroted the Venezuelan socialist dictator, Hugo Chavez, calling for the nationalization of the oil companies:
As I just quoted, White House Chief of Staff  Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) said just recently:
"So if there's any seriousness about what some of our Republican colleagues are saying here in the House and elsewhere about improving the number of refineries, then maybe they'd be willing to have these refineries owned publicly, owned by the people of the United States, so that the people of the United States can determine how much of the product is refined and put out on the market. To me, that sounds like a very good idea."
Congressman  Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) on June 18, 2008 in a Press Conference of the Democratic Leadership said:
"Should the people of the United States own refineries?  Maybe so.  Frankly, I think that's a good idea.  Then we could control the amount of refined product much more capably that gets out on the market...
Democrats openly call for redistribution of wealth in our Nation, they call for socialized medicine, socialized energy, and in general, the Democratic Party openly advocates the federal government's  involvement in each and every facet of our lives.   Period.  What part of this can any member of this group, with a straight face, argue is NOT socialism? 
By example, here in President Obama's own words, he openly advocates a redistribution of wealth:
Of course, Vice President Biden believes that a socialist, "redistribution of wealth" plan, is the "patriotic thing to do":
There is no question that President  Obama is calling for the very tenets of socialism, which is the forerunner of communism, and a economic and political system that has failed miserably throughout recorded history.   President Obama's,  and many Democrats' belief,  is that "Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Trotskyism, and Stalinism were all wonderful political, social and economic systems, we just haven't had the right folks try and implement them yet!"  

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