Wednesday, November 17, 2010

CBC Approves of Clyburn's New Position on the Pelosi Plantation

CBC Approves of Clyburn's New Position on the Pelosi Plantation

The 'back of the bus' face of affirmative action

James Clyburn (D-SC) is officially a 'assistant leader' on the Pelosi plantation. You see, Pelosi didn't want Clyburn to be the number two-man in charge (no doubt it is due to his race) and sided with white bread Steny Hoyer to be her 2nd in command. To make Clyburn happy, Pelosi created an affirmative action post for him.

Now the Congressional Black Caucus is clapping like a bunch of seals over the fact that a black man is now a 'assistant leader.' Imagine if this happened inside the Republican Party. It would be the lead off story on every liberal media network. The liberal double standard continues to keep folks on their plantation.

Politico reports:

The new leadership job created for Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) got strong reviews from some critical members of the Congressional Black Caucus after they met Tuesday evening to discuss the post with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

The exact responsibilities of the post of "assistant leader" -- not to mention its staffing, funding and office allocations -- remain murky, but two high-ranking CBC members said they are satisfied that the position is suitable for Clyburn, who is the highest-ranking African American in Congress.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) said it will include duties as a liaison to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and to the House Appropriations Committee, where Clyburn served before entering House leadership. Clyburn is currently the majority whip, but when the new post was announced by Pelosi, he abandoned a bid to fight Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) for the minority whip position when Republicans take control of the House in January.

The job, reconfigured from the existing position of "assistant to the leader," will be ranked third in the Democratic leadership if the full party membership signs off on Pelosi's plan to create it during a Wednesday meeting.

CBC members had been concerned that Clyburn might not be given duties and resources commensurate with his standing in the party leadership.

CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Texas) said that the job will position Clyburn to continue "helping move the Democratic agenda forward."

Cleaver emphasized his belief that Clyburn should not be viewed as the black representative in the leadership -- stressing that the CBC will continue to speak for the African American community.

"This is not a black position," he said.

That last line is a laugher. Clyburn was given this special job based solely on his race and anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills knows this. Stay on the plantation CBC.

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