Sunday, August 15, 2010

Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food

Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food

Just another example of the Democrats wanting to socialize industry at a time. Now it's the attack of the Food Nazis.

The Worlds Prophecy reports:

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010,  may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US.  It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.

What will be the effects of this bill?

S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, and human survival grounds.

1.  It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency.

2.  It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security.

3.  It would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into "the United States."

4.  It imposes Codex Alimentarius on the US, a global system of control over food.

5.  It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security.

6.  It includes NAIS, an animal traceability program that threatens all small farmers and ranchers raising animals.

7.  It extends a failed and destructive HACCP to all food, thus threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production – put it in corporate hands and worsen food safety.

8.  It deconstructs what is left of the American economy.

9.  It would allow the government to mandate antibiotics, hormones, slaughterhouse waste, pesticides and GMOs.

10. It uses food crimes as the entry into police state power and control. It removes fundamental constitutional protections from all citizens in the country, making them subject to a corporate tribunal with unlimited power and penalties, and without judicial review.

Doesn't this sound like the Progressive wet-dream of the New World Order?

Read the entire article which goes into greater detail. It is well worth the read.

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