Wednesday, January 25, 2012

35 Reasons Why Obama Will Lose in 2012


35 Reasons Why Obama Will Lose in 2012

Sunday, 22 January 2012 19:25 Alan Caruba


One could make a very long list of reasons why Barack Obama will lose in the November election. Here's a short list why Obama has already worn out his welcome among the majority of Americans, including some of those who formerly supported him.

As Obama delivers his State of the Union speech on Tuesday, his theme will be "economic fairness", but more net jobs have been lost on his watch (1,663,000) then any previous president going back to Harry Truman, none of whom presided over such an economic disaster.

1. Blamed all problems on George W. Bush, not the Democrats who had controlled both chambers of Congress since January 3, 2007 until 2010 when the Republicans gained control of the House.

2. Obamacare: challenged by 28 States as unconstitutional, subject of a Supreme Court hearing in March.

3. Supported passage of Cap-and-Trade carbon regulation legislation.

4. A strong advocate of "global warming"; revealed to be a hoax in 2009.

5. His failed multi-billion dollar "stimulus" program.

6. Admitted there were no "shovel-ready jobs."

7. Mortgage refinance plan deemed a complete failure.

8. Appointment of White House policy "Czars", one of whom was a Communist.

9. Failed foreign policy; Israel, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

10. Mishandling of BP oil spill; slow to react, shut down all drilling in Gulf of Mexico.

11. Abortive outreach to Muslims

12. Bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia.

13. Stopped the building of the XL Keystone pipeline. Has opposed offshore and domestic oil drilling

14. The Solyndra "Green energy" bankruptcy whose loan guarantee cost taxpayers a half billion dollars.

15. The "Fast and Furious" gun-running scandal.

16. Sued Arizona for trying to control illegal immigration.

17. A rogue Environmental Protection Agency.

18. Highest federal spending since World War II.

19. Highest budget deficit since World War II.

20. Highest federal debt since just after World War II.

21. Increased federal debt more than all Presidents from Washington to Clinton combined.

22. Highest long-term unemployment since the 1930s.

23. Lowest employment (58.1% if population) since 1983.

24. Lowest home ownership rate since 1965.

25. First downgrade of U.S. debt rating in nation's history.

26. Refused to support the Defense of Marriage Act.

29. Attempted to stop Boeing from building a manufacturing unit in South Carolina.

30. Government takeover of General Motors.

31. Authorized military action in Libya without Congressional approval.

32. Advocates major cuts to Pentagon budget for U.S. military

33. Continues to hide college records, passport and Social Security number information.

34. Not a "natural born" citizen as required by the U.S. Constitution (both parents must be U.S. citizens to be President) and thus he was ineligible to run, ineligible to hold the office, and ineligible to run again.

35. Does not tell the truth.

And Obama gives little indication that he likes America, its values, its history, its military, and its role in the world.

I could go on, but voters who ignore any or all of these factors, keeping Barack Obama in office for another four years, would doom the nation to a Third World status, to default, and the end the greatest experiment in freedom and liberty the world has ever known.

© Alan Caruba, 2012



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Re: "I'm looking for Ray Finkle . . .

Soccer style kicker, graduated from Collier High June 1976, Stetson
University honors graduate class of 1980, holds 2 NCAA Division One
records, one for most points in a season, one for distance, former
nickname "The Mule", the first and only pro-athlete to come out of
Collier County, and one hell of a model American. - Ace Ventura, Pet

"Myra Kraft reached down from heaven and pushed that field goal left"
- Boston Sportscaster

On Jan 23, 10:56 am, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
> Who's Ray Finkle?
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:53 AM, GregfromBoston <>wrote:
> > . . . and a clean pair of shorts"
> > "He's in Baltimore"
> > "Ah, thank you!  The cookies are delicious.  Look.  Little footballs!"
> > And Dan Marino was in studio.
> > "Laces out"
> > --
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> > For options & help see
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Fact Checking the SOTU: Corporate Taxes

Fact Checking the SOTU: Corporate Taxes
Posted by Chris Edwards

Let's do some fact checking on President Obama's corporate tax comments in last night's State of the Union.

Claim: "Right now, companies get tax breaks for moving jobs and profits overseas."
False: There are no such breaks. Instead, we punish U.S. and foreign businesses for investing and creating jobs here.

Claim: "If you're a business that wants to outsource jobs, you shouldn't get a tax deduction for doing it."
False: There is no such tax deduction.

Claim: "No American company should be able to avoid paying its fair share of taxes by moving jobs and profits overseas."
False: America is not a prison camp. Besides, imposing a 40-percent tax rate on corporations that invest here is not a "fair share."

Claim: "From now on, every multinational company should have to pay a basic minimum tax."
False: We've already got a corporate "alternative minimum tax," and it's an idiotic waste of accounting resources that ought to be repealed.

Claim: "It is time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas."
False: We penalize them for locating jobs here. Besides, the overseas operations of U.S. companies generally complement domestic jobs by boosting U.S. exports.

Claim: "Companies that choose to stay in America get hit with one of the highest tax rates in the world."
True: Our rate is 40 percent, which compares to the global average rate of just 23 percent. See the chart below, which is based on KPMG data.


Claim: "If you're an American manufacturer, you should get a bigger tax cut. If you're a high-tech manufacturer, we should double the tax deduction you get for making your products here. And if you want to relocate in a community that was hit hard when a factory left town, you should get help financing a new plant, equipment, or training for new workers."
False: It's a horrible idea to create special breaks for certain types of government-favored businesses. It would simply encourage the exact type of tax game-playing and lobbying that the president decries. What's a "high-tech" manufacturer? What's an "American" manufacturer? What's a "manufacturer"? How "hard hit" do towns need to be?

Upshot: From the president's one "true" comment we can derive the simple and logical solution to our corporate tax problem. We should stop "hitting" companies with a 40-percent sledgehammer, and cut our corporate statutory rate to boost investment and reduce corporate tax avoidance. 

Note to self: Mail copies of Global Tax Revolution to WH speechwriters.

**JP** A Heart Touching Mail !!!






Dear Brothers/Sisters, 




Plz print this email, offer Two Rakaah nawaafil, and sit down calmly and go through it with full concentration, and then ........ review the picture of your life and see how kind your parents have been towards you, and that what should you do ???!!!  Plz keep in mind that your father/mother-in-law are also like your own parents.


Plz circulate it amongst your circles and particularly amongst the youngsters.


With lots of Duaz, best wishes and best regards,


A.S. Shaikh



Assalamu alaykum 











Ron Responds to Obama

Ron Responds to Obama
Posted on January 25, 2012 by LHR Jr.

"Tonight, President Obama once again showed that he does not represent the fundamental change this country needs. Instead of offering solutions to the problems our country faces, the President was intent on delivering a campaign speech, further dealing in the typical Washington political gamesmanship that has gotten us exactly nowhere close to improving the lives of the American people.

"In a speech where much of the rhetoric was devoted to job creation, it was strange that President Obama would brag about his job-destroying national health care plan, Obamacare, and the Dodd-Frank bill, which, contrary to the President's claims, guarantees future taxpayer bailouts of large institutions. Unfortunately, President Obama's 'job creation' policies amount to little more than continuing to allow government bureaucrats to pick winners and losers, which is a recipe for continued economic stagnation.

"President Obama claims to want an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules. Yet he remains committed to the same old system of debt, deficits, bailouts, and cronyism that created our economic problems. The President speaks of giving us energy independence from unstable nations, yet he refuses to allow the type of development needed to achieve this goal, while at the same time his administration hands out favors to the politically connected – those given to the likes of Solyndra, who fail to produce jobs or energy but succeed in ripping off the taxpayers.

"Of course, President Obama refuses to even mention the role the Federal Reserve plays in creating an economic system where some are denied a fair shot or even to support my efforts at bringing transparency to the Federal Reserve. Also not mentioned by President Obama is the very crucial need for reining in spending and balancing the federal budget. What is called by some 'the greatest threat to our national security' seems not to be of great importance to this President, although I, like many Americans, believe it to be cause for immediate measures, like the $1 trillion in spending cuts that would take place in my first year as President under my Plan to Restore America.

"In the area of foreign policy and civil liberties, President Obama's rhetoric may be different, but the substance of his polices - as shown by his administration's defense of the TSA's treatment of my son, Senator Rand Paul, is hardly 'change we can believe in.' No wonder more and more Americans, especially young people, are rejecting the phony alternatives of Obama and establishment Republicans and embracing my campaign to Restore America Now."




America is the greatest nation in human history. Our respect for individual liberty, free markets, and limited constitutional government produced the strongest, most prosperous country in the world. But, we have drifted far from our founding principles, and America is in crisis. Ron Paul's "Restore America" plan slams on the brakes and puts America on a return to constitutional government. It is bold but achievable. Through the bully pulpit of the presidency, the power of the Veto, and, most importantly, the united voice of freedom-loving Americans, we can implement fundamental reforms.


Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who doesn't just talk about balancing the budget, but who has a full plan to get it done.


Cuts $1 trillion in spending during the first year of Ron Paul's presidency, eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to private property owners, abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to 2006 levels.


Honors our promise to our seniors and veterans, while allowing young workers to opt out. Block grants Medicaid and other welfare programs to allow States the flexibility and ingenuity they need to solve their own unique problems without harming those currently relying on the programs.


Makes a 10% reduction in the federal workforce, slashes Congressional pay and perks, and curbs excessive federal travel. To stand with the American People, President Paul will take a salary of $39,336, approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker.


Lowers the corporate tax rate to 15%, making America competitive in the global market. Allows American companies to repatriate capital without additional taxation, spurring trillions in new investment. Extends all Bush tax cuts. Abolishes the Death Tax. Ends taxes on personal savings, allowing families to build a nest egg.


Repeals ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Mandates REINS-style requirements for thorough congressional review and authorization before implementing any new regulations issued by bureaucrats. President Paul will also cancel all onerous regulations previously issued by Executive Order.


Conducts a full audit of the Federal Reserve and implements competing currency legislation to
strengthen the dollar and stabilize inflation.


Dr. Paul is the only candidate with a plan to cut spending and truly balance the budget. This is the only plan that will deliver what America needs in these difficult times: Major regulatory relief, large spending cuts, sound monetary policy, and a balanced budget.

Discretionary Spending



Mandatory Spending


Miscellaneous Savings




Summary Table


Budget Comparisons


Agency Budget Comparison


Historical Spending, Revenue, and Deficits


Charts and Graphs










**JP** Indian Occupied Kashmir MUST SEE) /do some , help them,it can b ur kids, ur parent,



السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته




The 8 year old innocent was killed by Indians during current protests. I haven't heard any NGO protesting working for childhood protection. Have you?


Can you imagine these kids can be involved in terrorism?

Would someone care about the rights children have? Where are the human rightest?

Even Indians consider Dopatta as a weapon of terrorism…………

So many cowards behind a single journalist…
Freedom of speech vocalists are silent here

Can this old man be dangerous for hundreds of thousands of Indian troops deployed in valley?

Indian paramilitary soldiers beat a Kashmiri civilian during a protest in Srinagar ,  India , Wednesday, June 30, 2010. Authorities brought new areas under curfew in the Indian portion of Kashmir on Wednesday to control the worst street violence in a year, triggered by the killing of 11 people allegedly by government forces over the past two weeks. (AP Photo)

A young innocent Kashmiri student, aged 22, shot dead at point blank range by the draconian CRPF. They had promised a revenge killing after a trooper was shot dead by militants in the same location: The Slaughterers awarded one hundred rupees and promotions for killing the innocent Kashmiri.



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