Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian Crisis

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how to make a bad reputation worse

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Re: State-Owned Churches are Killing America

Romans chapter 13
you just have to let some people stay delusional

On Feb 2, 10:47 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> State-Owned Churches are Killing AmericaBy Chuck Baldwin
> February 3, 2011
> America was birthed in the spirit of liberty and baptized in the blood of patriots and tyrants. Leading the charge in America's fight for independence was a courageous group of patriot-preachers that came to be known as the "Black Regiment." I have written several columns on this subject. Suffice it to say here that I invite readers to take a look at my Black Regiment web page to learn more about this early American phenomenon. There is little doubt that without these stalwart Christian pastors, this country would not have come into existence. (I extended this call for a modern-day Black Regiment 5 years before Glenn Beck ever mentioned it.)
> See myBlack Regiment page here.
> Plus, to read my column regarding the Black Regiment that was published in The New American magazine in 2009,click here.
> So, what did these colonial preachers have that today's preachers don't? The better question might be: what did these colonial preachers NOT have that today's preachers do? The answer? Two things: 1) an IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation status, and 2) a 50-year misinterpretation of Romans chapter 13.
> The now infamous 501(c)(3) section of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) goes back to 1936 (the seeds of this Venus Fly Trap date back to 1872). But then-Senator Lyndon Johnson was the Dr. Frankenstein who, in 1954, unleashed this monster upon America. His motivation was: he did not like the way pastors and churches were opposing his liberal agenda, and he wanted to use the power of law to silence them. He, therefore, introduced verbiage to the IRC that churches were prohibited from influencing political legislation and supporting political campaigns, or risk losing their tax-exempt status.
> Of course, colonial pastors didn't have to worry about their churches being "incorporated" as State-created (and controlled) entities, or about IRS agents intimidating them regarding what they could or could not say. In early America, preachers were free men; they could say whatever they darned well pleased. Gasp! Beyond that, virtually everyone regarded preachers as being "God's men," not the "servants of men."
> Today, however, the average pastor has become the servant of the State and the church he pastors, more often than not, has become a creature of the State. It is an absolute fact that State-owned churches are killing America!
> Dick Greb of the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship in Westminster, Maryland, wrote: "Many Americans find it disturbing that some of our churches today are little more than milquetoast corporations that fear our federal government more than the great I AM. Moreover, it can even be said that some preachers have the appearance of cringing, 'politically correct' cowards, rather than committed Godly men of fortitude with backbone, such as those we read of in the Bible." (Source: Greb, Dick. "The 501(c)(3) Hallucination: A Bane to Liberty." Reasonable Action Issue #244 Winter 2003.)
> Dear reader, you can take this to the bank: the vast majority of pastors and board members of these 501(c)(3) corporations, when push comes to shove (and it always does), will demonstrate unconditional loyalty to the State. Plus, they will compromise or sacrifice any and every Bible doctrine or principle in order to preserve their tax-exempt status and stay on the smiley side of the IRC. They will also throw anyone under the old proverbial bus who might risk them falling out of favor with the IRS. (I can give painful and personal testimony to that fact!) Greb is right! Many, or most, of today's pastors and church officers fear the federal government far more than they fear God.
> Not only did colonial preachers not have to contend with putting their churches under some State-controlled corporation, they would never have allowed it to happen! Can one imagine John Leland, Jonas Clark, or John Witherspoon being told by any State official what he could or could not say, or what his church could or could not do? What a joke! These men were willing to go to prison or even the grave in order to remain faithful to their spiritual calling and to their political and moral convictions!
> The other thing that colonial preachers did not suffer from was a 50-year indoctrination of a misinterpretation of Romans 13.
> This "Submit-to-the-government-no-matter-what" doctrine (using Romans 13 as the pretext) is a satanically inspired lie designed to turn free men and women into slaves of the state! Students of history know that Adolf Hitler encouraged German pastors and churches to promote this same fallacious philosophy among the German people. Gee! I wonder why? And according to Erwin Lutzer's book, "Hitler's Cross" (must reading, I might add), out of the more than 14,000 evangelical churches and pastors in Germany at the time, only about 800 remained faithful to Scripture and opposed Hitler's brand of state worship. If my math is correct, that's about 5%. And it would not surprise me if 5% is about the percentage of pastors and churches in America today that are opposing this modern-day worship of the state.
> At this point, instead of embellishing upon Romans 13, I am going to insert a commercial. I began a series of messages on Romans 13 last Sunday at Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana. In fact, by the time you read this, Part 1 of my message on Romans 13 will be available online.
> To view my message, "The Truth About Romans 13, Part 1,"click here.
> I will continue my series on Romans 13 this Sunday, February 6, 2011. I invite readers to watch this address live on the Internet. Viewthis livestreaming broadcast, here.
> "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." So said Edmund Burke. And, unfortunately, the good men that are mostly doing nothing and allowing evil to triumph in our land are the good men (and women) of America's churches who have either been intimidated by the 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation status, or who have been put into a sheepish, servile, Satan-induced coma from an overdose of misapplied Romans 13 poison.
> To quote the famous Bible commentator, Matthew Henry, "It is the devil that stirs up his instruments, wicked men [in government or without], to persecute the people of God; tyrants and persecutors are the devil's tools, though they gratify their own sinful malignity, and know not that they are actuated by a diabolical malice." (Source: Matthew Henry's Commentaries on the Bible, notes on Revelation 2:10)
> Yes, the Black Regiment preachers of colonial America helped lead America's fight for freedom and independence. But, they did not have their hands out to the IRS, or their minds and hearts numbed into apathy and indifference by decades of misuse and abuse of Romans chapter 13.
> P.S. My son, Timothy Baldwin, who is a historian, author, and constitutional attorney, is in the process of publishing a new book entitled, "Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission." I have read it. In the similitude of Tim's first book, "Freedom For A Change," this book is an absolutely brilliant and scholarly presentation of the true meaning of Romans 13. Watch my web site, or Tim's web site, for information regarding this new book's release.
> Myweb site.
> Tim'sweb site.
> And, if you have not yet ordered Tim's book, "Freedom For A Change," I enthusiastically recommend it to you.Order it here.*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order.Use this link.

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Re: “Losing” Egypt

the illusion continues
the USA can't protect, feed or represent the world's population

their countries ... their problems
fund your own charities

On Feb 2, 10:50 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> Losing EgyptbyThe Freemanon Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 12:01am
> Egyptians have taken to the streets to demand the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, the U.S.-backed leader who came to power after the assassination of Anwar Sadat nearly 30 years ago. We can be sure that sooner or later someone will condemn Barack Obama as the president wholost Egypt.Such mutterings, in my view, would border on delusion. The world is not a chessboard on which the U.S. government can move the world s people around, expecting them to obey. And yet the illusion continues.
> After generations of backing dictators who flout their people s interests, the obvious question is, Why do American political leaders repeatedly follow the same path even though such actions fit Einstein s definition of insanity : doing the same thing over and over expecting different results?
> My answer is that for more than a century, Americans have been inundated with the Religion of Progressivism, which is based on a belief that governments hold the keys to happiness and prosperity, and that Really Wise People with theproper educational and professional credentialsare the Keepers of the Secret. The Progressives of a century ago held that commerce without the guiding hand of the wise State ultimately debases all of life, and that the economy should serve the greater interests of America. This was naturally extended to foreign affairs.
> Today, modern American institutions, from corporations to education to churches, use such beliefs as core organizing principles, and both liberals and conservatives fully have embraced this secular faith. The policy elite sees the United States as a singular organic interest and believes the interests of everyone else on earth need to be brought into line with the American agenda.Bribery and ForceMany Americans seem to think that the arrangement pushed on the rest of the world must be kept together by a combination of bribery and sheer force. American troops are stationed all over the globe and presently are fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, neither of which is going very well. (And no one should be surprised that occupied people fight back.)
> For more than three decades, the United States has used bribery with Egypt. (It is the second largest recipient of U.S. aid, behind Israel.) Such aid has not only propped up Mubarak s government, but it also has relieved it of the need to liberalize the economy because no matter how much wealth it wastes, the United States is there with its big checkbook.
> We shouldn t be surprised that the individuals at the top of Egypt s governing structure are the main beneficiaries of this bribery, while ordinary people are forced to live in poverty. Mubarak sinterventionist economyhas made some moves toward liberalization in recent years, but it has a long way to go to being free and fully market-oriented. The people protesting in the streets understand that U.S. financial aid props up the corruption and oppression.
> No, they don t hate us for our freedoms. They hate a U.S. policy that, in the name of stability, works against freedom. This is where Progressivism has led.

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Re: Predator Drone Patrols US Border + Obama’s Joke

national security trumps personal privacy


On Feb 3, 9:41 am, MJ <> wrote:
> Predator Drone Patrols US Border + Obama s JokePosted byMichael S. Rozeffon February 3, 2011 08:36 AM
> Like a sci-fi movie come true, the U.S. is nowpatrolling its Canadian borderwith the Predator Drone. Texas has also used drones. I foresee the lockdown of larger regions of America some day, just as these simply awful lockdowns are occurring on a daily basis at schools and other places. The transition to endless monitoring with the threat of punishing violence is a real threat to privacy. I see already an utterly dreadful ending coming to privacy, and human beings cannot function properly as human beings without privacy. While the servile press constantly says that the CIA operates the killing drones in Central Asia covertly , Obama jokes about them in this video:Obama Jokes About Killing Jonas Brothers With Predator Drones

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Re: Good News! Wall Street bonuses up 5.7% - $135 billion

Then where are the dems going to get their cabinet officers and how are
those cabinet officers supposed to get filthy rich (see Rahm Emanuel,
Bob Rubin, Jamie Gorelick, Harrison Raines, Bawney Fwank's buds, Chris
Dodd's buds, Sandy Weill, etc). Where can Zero and Hill get the big
bucks for the next campaigns. Where can people like Corzine become
multi-millionaires. Dems would be penniless if not for Wall St.

On 02/02/2011 09:56 PM, studio wrote:
> Personally speaking, the American people should do to Wall Street what
> the Egyptians are doing to their dictator.
> Now would you disagree with that?

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Re: Good News! Wall Street bonuses up 5.7% - $135 billion

Personally speaking, the American people should do to Wall Street what
the Egyptians are doing to their dictator.

Now would you disagree with that?

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Mubarak's thugs started the violence, but they won't finish it

I just seen the most amazing thing;
the thugs and protesters were fighting, the thugs getting a somewhat
upper hand, but then an army tank went in between them spewing a smoke
screen so the protesters could get a break.
The protesters cheered the army for what it had done.

Mubarak will probably suffer a military coup soon and either be hanged
or flee in exile to somewhere.... and it better not be the US.

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Re: Loosing the Goons: The Mubarak-Obama Move to Crush Egypt’s Uprising

On Feb 2, 9:01 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> Loosing the Goons: The Mubarak-Obama Move to Crush Egypt's UprisingWritten by Chris Floyd   
> Wednesday, 02 February 2011 16:47
> I must agreewith As'ad AbuKhalil: The violence we are seeing in Egypt today (Wednesday) is a direct result of a green-light from Washington to "do what it takes" to preserve the Cairo regime. Today we have suddenly seen hundreds of "pro-Mubarak" goons pouring into the public squares to attack the non-violent demonstrators. The Egyptian Army – whom most of the demonstrators had lauded and looked to for protection from the police – is now apparently refusing to interfere with the attacks by the goon squads against the unarmed protestors. The UN reports that at least 300 people have already been killed in violence against the demonstrators since the uprising began: this number will now rise, perhaps sharply.
> What is happening seems clear:  Mubarak, backed by Obama, has decided to foment a storm of bloodshed, chaos and fear in order to provide a justification for "restoring order" – i.e., crushing the uprising by force. This course could not have been adopted without the support of the Cairo regime's patrons and paymasters in Washington. None of this should come as a surprise. From the very beginning, the administration of Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has been killing people – most of them defenseless civilians – all over the world to advance a brutal agenda of militarist domination and the enrichment of corrupt elites.

From what I can tell, that seems to be a correct assessment.

I notice the neo-cons not saying much about it either.

Unfortunately, because of these kind of tactics, Mubarak will probably
wind up being hanged soon and the US suffer the consequences of the
underhanded support of the regime, while telling the US citizens we
supported the citizens of Egypt the whole time.
What dirty no good rats we have for politicians in both parties now

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Woman Tries To Mail Puppy In Box

This woman has me thinking euthanasia might have some merit.

Woman Tries To Mail Puppy In Box
For less than the cost of one hour with most lawyers, you can learn how to control judges and lawyers yourself!

Loosing the Goons: The Mubarak-Obama Move to Crush Egypt’s Uprising

Loosing the Goons: The Mubarak-Obama Move to Crush Egypt's Uprising
Written by Chris Floyd   
Wednesday, 02 February 2011 16:47

I must agree with As'ad AbuKhalil: The violence we are seeing in Egypt today (Wednesday) is a direct result of a green-light from Washington to "do what it takes" to preserve the Cairo regime. Today we have suddenly seen hundreds of "pro-Mubarak" goons pouring into the public squares to attack the non-violent demonstrators. The Egyptian Army – whom most of the demonstrators had lauded and looked to for protection from the police – is now apparently refusing to interfere with the attacks by the goon squads against the unarmed protestors. The UN reports that at least 300 people have already been killed in violence against the demonstrators since the uprising began: this number will now rise, perhaps sharply.

What is happening seems clear:  Mubarak, backed by Obama, has decided to foment a storm of bloodshed, chaos and fear in order to provide a justification for "restoring order" – i.e., crushing the uprising by force. This course could not have been adopted without the support of the Cairo regime's patrons and paymasters in Washington. None of this should come as a surprise. From the very beginning, the administration of Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has been killing people – most of them defenseless civilians – all over the world to advance a brutal agenda of militarist domination and the enrichment of corrupt elites.

For decades, a pliant regime in Egypt has been a linchpin of this thoroughly bipartisan agenda. Obama's task now is to preserve this arrangement if at all possible. Mubarak himself doesn't matter; he's now become a liability to the operation of business as usual. But the power structures in Washington and Cairo can't afford to have him simply forced from office by popular will; what kind of example would that set? Instead they will seek to use the months until Mubarak's envisaged retirement in September to beat down the uprising by overt means – as we are seeing on the streets of Egypt's cities today – and covert means, with the piecemeal arrest of various dissident leaders and other crackdowns on activities that might "threaten public order."

Whether they will succeed in this is still an open question; but things have taken a decidedly darker turn in Egypt. And a great deal of that darkness is being cast by the ever-looming shadow of Washington's Domination Machine. *AbuKhalil has provided some of the most insightful and informed observations on the uprising in Egypt. Below are a few excerpts from several of his recent posts that throw light on the current situation.

A Western correspondent in Cairo told me that Mubarak goons targeted many reporters and that they also sexually harassed female protesters.  Those goons and criminals are the linchpin of Obama's Middle East policy. ...

There are a lot of similarities already between Iran of 1953 and Egypt of 2011.  Don't forget what happened in 1953 in Iran. The CIA then hired armed goons and thugs to defeat the pro-democracy movement.  This time around, the armed goons are hired by the regime itself. ...

... I just read the speech by Obama: it confirmed my suspicion, that basically Mubarak was permitted by the US to do with the Egyptian people as he would like.  Every drop of blood that is spilled in Egypt from this day onwards should be blamed on Obama because he has embraced this new strategy of letting Mubarak defy the popular will of the Egyptian people.

I don't trust the Egyptian army: the top brass is hand picked by the US/Israel [coalition] and can be easily bought off by a combination of bribes, gadgets, and perks. They could care less about the Egyptian people.  This is part of the ruling group of this tyrant. ..

The US is now arranging for a coup against the will of the Egyptian people. ... This move by Obama towards Egypt can be described as criminal because it will lead to blood on the streets.  I wonder if Obama during his talk with Mubarak discussed numbers like: just don't kill more than 50 or 60 a day, or something like that. His unprincipled cynicism reminds me of the conspiracies of the 1950s.  I am so glad that I resisted all efforts by my liberal and leftist friends who were urging me to vote for this personification of the Bush Doctrine.

What You Need To Know About Sharia Law

What You Need To Know About Sharia Law

twg2a PitBull | February 2, 2011 at 18:24 | Categories: Islam | URL:

Sharia For Dummies. There may be some of you out there reading this article who have heard the term "sharia" but don't really know what it is. So we present to you 34 actual points of Sharia law to give you an idea what it would be live to live under it. Then you can [...]

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Let’s Tear Apart Newt Gingrich’s Homophobic Gay Marriage Logic!

Newt Bedhopper Frogrich is a Homophobic Adulterous Hypocrite!

Let's Tear Apart Newt Gingrich's Gay Marriage Logic!

2/2/11 at 12:50 PM Comment 26Comment 26Comments
In some ways, the debate hosted by George Washington University last
night between Howard Dean and Newt Gingrich was the first of the
presidential campaign season, at least for Gingrich. Based on his
performance, he'll be a formidable debate opponent for his fellow
Republicans and, who knows, maybe President Obama. The former House
Speaker demonstrated his ability to speak easily and at length on what
will be the most prominent issues of the campaign, like the economy,
national security, health-care reform, and immigration. He also
briefly shared his thoughts on gay marriage:

So Gingrich's argument is that:
1. He believes that marriage should be only between a man and a woman.
2. The GWU student believes that marriage should be between anyone who
wants to get married.
3. Both have an equal right to their own beliefs.
4. Gay people can't get married.

Something weird happened there between 3 and 4. The logical solution
would be that gay people can get gay married, Newt Gingrich can get
straight married, and nobody has to force their own personal beliefs
on the other. But Gingrich doesn't come to that conclusion for some
reason. Admittedly, neither does about half the country, and
Gingrich's position is widely accepted, especially among Republican
primary voters, the first group he has to impress.

But here's a prediction: Gay marriage may not be a hugely important
issue in the election, but because President Obama seems destined to
announce his embrace of gay marriage in the not-too-distant future, it
will be an issue. And you just know how Obama is going explain his
change of heart, whenever he's asked about it, in debates and town
halls and TV interviews — with stirring language about upholding core
American ideals like equality, individual freedom, and loving thy
neighbor. Maybe our liberal New Yorker mindset is tainting our
thinking, but it's not hard to imagine Obama's conversion pushing a
populace already rapidly warming to the idea of gay marriage further
in that direction, to the point that a clear, reliable majority of the
country finds the arguments of Gingrich (and the rest of the
Republican field) as hollow and unconvincing as they truly are. At the
very least, Gingrich may want to start thinking about how to deliver
these unconvincing arguments without a sneer.

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Senate rejects GOP Obstructionist bid to repeal healthcare law

Senate rejects bid to repeal healthcare law

Reuters) - President Barack Obama's fellow Democrats in the Senate
blocked a Republican bid on Wednesday to repeal his healthcare
overhaul, a year-old law whose ultimate fate likely rests with the
U.S. Supreme Court.

On a party-line vote of 51-47, the Senate rejected a Republican
measure to rescind the law that aims to provide more than 30 million
uninsured Americans with medical coverage while requiring nearly all
to be insured or pay a fine. Sixty votes were needed to clear a
procedural hurdle against repeal.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid scoffed at Republican efforts,
saying: "They want to replace patients' rights with insurance
companies' power. They want to replace health with sickness. They want
to replace the promise of tomorrow with the pain of yesterday."

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell countered: "The case against
this bill is more compelling every day. Everything we learn tells us
it was a bad idea. That it should be repealed and replaced. The courts
say so. The American people say so."

The Senate voted two days after a federal judge struck down the 2010
law as unconstitutional, a ruling the Obama administration promptly
announced it would appeal.

The Republican-led House of Representatives, in keeping a campaign
vow, voted to repeal the healthcare law last month.

Senate rejection of the repeal effort means the law's fate will likely
be decided by court challenges and eventually the U.S. Supreme Court,
a process that could extend into next year.

A federal judge in Florida on Monday ruled that Congress overstepped
its authority in requiring that nearly all Americans obtain insurance
or pay a fine.

Ramifications of the new law for the health sector have been
widespread, affecting Aetna Inc , WellPoint Inc and other health
insurers as well as drugmakers, device companies and hospitals.

States, struggling to balance their books in the aftermath of the
recent economic downturn, also face higher costs for the Medicaid
health program for the poor.

Democrats say the law benefits people who had been unable to obtain
coverage and ought to be maintained and improved.


The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday held the first
congressional hearing on the constitutionality of the law.

Republican Senator Charles Grassley, a one-time participant in
drafting the law who later withdrew from negotiations, said it was
unclear what the Supreme Court may decide.

"What is clear is that if this law is constitutional, Congress can
make Americans buy anything that Congress wants," Grassley said.

Democrats say they believe the Supreme Court will ultimately decide in
favor of the law.

Assistant Senate Democratic leader Dick Durbin said a number of
landmark laws, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1935 Social
Security retirement program, ran into trouble in lower courts before
being upheld by the Supreme Court.

"I believe the same will happen with the Affordable Care Act," Durbin
said of the law being challenged in many courts.

"For those keeping score, 12 federal district court judges have
dismissed challenges to the law, two have found the law to be
constitutional and two have found the opposite," Durbin said.

While the Senate blocked appeal, it approved a measure to rescind a
provision that Democrats and Republicans agreed saddled small
businesses with excessive paperwork.

Republicans vowed to keep pushing to roll back other provisions.

McConnell said: "We think this is just the beginning. This issue is
still ahead of us and we will be going back at it in a variety of
different ways."


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Punxsutawney Phil celebrates 125 years of Groundhog Day, Predicts Early Spring

Punxsutawney Phil celebrates 125 years of Groundhog DayComments

By Laura Bly, USA TODAY

Punxsutawney Phil, right, is held by Ben Hughes after emerging from
his burrow on Gobblers Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., to see his shadow
and forecast six more weeks of winter weather Feb. 2, 2010.

CAPTIONBy Gene J. Puskar, AP In the hit 1993 comedy Groundhog Day,
weatherman Bill Murray's worst nightmare is to keep waking up in the
snowy Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney - home of a pudgy,
prognosticating rodent named Phil.

Murray's disdain notwithstanding, Phil's Feb. 2 forecasts have been
drawing revelers to Punxsutawney for 125 years ... and today was no
exception, despite freezing rain and a wind advisory. Shivering
celebrants watched as Phil emerged from his temporary burrow—a
simulated tree stump at the rural site of Gobbler's Knob - and, to no
one's surprise, failed to see his shadow. The subsequent verdict from
his handlers: The Pittsburgh Steelers are headed to the Super Bowl,
and spring is around the corner.

RELATED: How accurate is the groundhog at predicting weather?

For those of us who haven't made the trek to Punxsutawney, about 80
miles northeast of Pittsburgh, Phil is going high-tech with texts,
Foursquare badges and Facebook updates of his early morning forecast.
Fans could watch streaming video of the big announcement here.

As for snuggling like Murray and co-star Andie MacDowell in that
Punxsutawney B&B? "That was a bit of Hollywood fiction," the tourist
office notes. " There really is a Cherry Street, but there is no bed &
breakfast there. You could stay at the Pantall Hotel, which is where
Bill Murray stayed when he visited in 1992."


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Obama’s Recent Lie About Violence

Obama's Recent Lie About Violence
Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on February 2, 2011 06:58 PM

Obama has increased the killing and maiming of civilians in Afghanistan since he took office. The weapon of choice is the drone aircraft:


I quote one article: "Civilians in Pakistan have been the main victims of the deadly drone attacks as184 people were killed and hundreds injured in a barrage of U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan in 2010.

"The U.S. carried out 117 attacks inside Pakistan in 2010, more than double the number of strikes that occurred in 2009, The Long War Journal reported."

Obama lies, as is the custom of government officials, when he says concerning Egypt: "First, we oppose violence." He has no generalized antipathy to violence. He will use it where it suits him, and not where it doesn't. Has he stood down on the War on Drugs? Nope. He does not stand for legalizing drugs. He has been willing to continue using violence against drug users, even as he talked about prevention. Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth. In that respect, he stands no higher or lower than other government officials.

Re: Good News! Wall Street bonuses up 5.7% - $135 billion

On Feb 2, 5:26 pm, plainolamerican <> wrote:
> We know who led the push to give our tax dollars to the boys on WS.
> Barney Frank, (D-MA), the Chairman of the House Financial Services
> Committee, and Gary Ackerman (D-NY).

Then why would President Bush Jr. be the one who asks for a $700
billion bailout for them?

What is really happening there is a wooing of the 2 major political
parties of big money donations from Wall Street.

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Man rapes female hogs and gives them vaginal infection

 What a great story this would be if he was a muzzie.  lmao

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Re: Where's Egypt in Google Groups?

Why is Google censuring Egypt groups, and on orders of who?

The only thing I can think of is not from an order from Egypt, but by
order of a US government agency.

Which would mean that Obama is out-right lying about any support for

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Re: The White House Jihadist, Obama, Stands by Muslim Brotherhood Endorsement

Little Travis-

Please refrain from sending your Reich wingnut Islamophobic
anti-American hate, lies, and false smear!

This makes you look like a complete moron.

On 2/2/11, Travis <> wrote:
> <> The White House Jihadist,
> Obama, Stands by Muslim Brotherhood Endorsement
> <>
> *twg2a PitBull <>* | February 2,
> 2011 at 12:46 | Categories:
> Communism/Marxism/Racism<>,
> Islam <> | URL:
> Obama proved, long ago, his allegiance to his brothers in islam. The United
> States Of America MUST remove this islamist from OUR White House. Before
> it's too late. ********************************************************
> Israel National News by Hillel Fendel For the first time, a U.S. government
> supports granting a government role to an extremist Islamic organization:
> the Muslim Brotherhood [...]
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Have a great day,

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Re: Where's Egypt in Google Groups?

On Feb 2, 5:50 pm, plainolamerican <> wrote:

That's a moderated group.
Surely there are unmoderated Egypt groups...

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RE: Where's Egypt in Google Groups?

This is what I got earlier today in a search of Google Groups - Regions - Africa:

Egypt not listed anywhere.

Egypt, Like Its U.S. Model, Is a Totalitarian Secret And Indirect Police State

Egypt, Like Its U.S. Model, Is a Totalitarian Secret And Indirect Police State
by Jack D. Douglas

Vast numbers of American tourists pour into Egypt, mostly into Cairo, every year to see the incredible pyramids and the other historical wonders and beauties of Egypt. They are generally intrigued by the friendly people who speak pretty good English within the tourist enclave of Egyptian society, the world of taxi drivers, hotels, restaurants and the historical sites. They sometimes get a glimpse of the vast Lower Depths of Egyptian society, the tens of millions of very poor people living literally on the margin of subsistence, commonly about $2 a day for a typical family earned each day. But few seem to realize that Egypt is one of the most terrible police states in the world. The vastly secret Interior ministry, which to Americans sounds like a benevolent department of government running national parks, is said to have about one and a half million people spying on Egyptians and everyone else and "maintaining law and order" by ordinary policing, torture and murder. And the Egyptian "siloviki" [Russian for all the present and former members of the secret security forces working together] are far more omnipresent and unseen.

It is these "plainclothes" secret police who pose as gang members to beat and disappear anyone who protests too loudly, as they did in these current revolutionary eruptions. Tourists would almost never realize the "thugs" beating young protestors are really professional secret police like the FBI, CIA, ATFA, DEA, etcetc. Once in a while the American secret police get caught on camera attacking and even murdering young people, even women and children, as happened at Waco when Bill Clinton and his AG, Janet Reno, sent them in with heavy arms, including tanks belching fire to set the building on fire to burn the women and children alive. But these brutal attacks by the secret police are far more common in Egypt and most of the other puppet regime tyrannies in the Middle East built up by the U.S. over many decades to protect Big Oil interests.

Egypt looks like a pretty free society, since people can come and go and taxi drivers seem to talk freely, if not often about the secret police or Mubarak's totalitarian tyranny. It seems on the surface to be in that way an "open society." But it is a society with a smiling, partially open surface behind which lurks a vast tyranny of the government and oligarchs "made "secure" by the vast secret police who may be literally anywhere and everywhere, but not seen, blending into the everyday life more than Soviet KGB agents commonly did in their much more limited numbers inside the USSR borders.

The totalitarian police state of Egypt is largely built on the U.S. Model of Secret-Systemic Totalitarianism. In some ways it is less totalitarian than the U.S. and in some ways it is more so. There are always variations around the Prime Model of Totalitarianism at any time, as we saw in all of the Marxist-Socialist-Communist states from the USSR to China and N. Korea and Cuba and so on. Egypt has a large prison population, but Prison Nation U.S.A. is the extreme Prison Nation when you look at all of the massive juvenile prisons, halfway houses, house arrest, drug knock downs, psychiatric wards and drug-controls, parole, probation, investigation, arraignment, trials, sentences, imprisonments, jailings, and so on. But Egypt has more systematic and blatant torture chambers, so much so that the U.S. has used them to do U.S. torturing in many instances [such as CIA "Renditions"]. The U.S. tortures prisoners more by using drugs, putting weak prisoners in with strong homosexual rapists, etc., to hide its tortures far better.

All of these totalitarian systems, as I have shown over decades, watch each other closely for ways to better hide their totalitarian powers, secret police, failings, tortures, etc., and to learn new, more effective techniques of deceiving and lying in the Media without getting caught, torturing to inflict maximum pain with the least visible wounds and the best data, etc. They copy each other when it seems useful, just  like any professionals in any occupation. TOTALITARIAN SECRET POLICE ARE AMONG THE BIGGEST PROFESSIONS IN THE MODERN WORLD AND THEY USE ALL THE EFFECTIVE DEVICES OF PROFESSIONALISM, INCLUDING JOURNALS, RESEARCH, ETC.
Egypt has obviously followed the U.S. Model far more than the U.S. has followed their newer and far less professional and scientific model of totalitarian research and work.

But the U.S. has recently been rushing under Obama's Party regime to get control of the internet and all means of communications for the day when the slaves revolt and in doing so they are apparently following in Egypt's footsteps, though I think the basic research and plans for total MEDIA CONTROLS IN EMERGENCIES LIKE SLAVE REVOLTS were developed in the U.S. earlier. The U.S. plans were exposed to the slaves and that created PR problems, so they have been searching for "New Rationalizations" to deceive the slaves. The Egyptians put it into effect more quietly and easily and are using those plans and technical methods right now. The U.S. pros are there watching to learn how to do it better and acting as secret consultants for the Egyptian secret police and Army psyops and cyberwarriors. Count on it. That's how real pros work.
Aa I  have also argued for decades, the U.S. text books and Media present absurdly extreme ideas to Americans about what "totalitarianism" is.

They pretend a society is only a totalitarian police state when the police spy directly on everyone, including children on parents in the home, and are always invading homes and hauling people off for torture because they say "evil things" about the regime or Big Brother. Even Albania and East Germany could not achieve that extreme! The great majority of Germans were more free frrm secret poli ce observation and controls than most Americans are today. The Gestapo had very limited manpower and none of the massive, secret electronic spying the U.S. sixteen secret police armies at the federal level alone use to spy on our communications and analyze them with AI software to find "dangerous" things.

A far smaller percentage of the German population was in the open-air concentration camps than Americans in the concrete and steel dungeons and they used almost no drugs to knock people down or silence them. [The six million people murdered in secret death camps were almost all in top secret camps abroad and the people who were killed were from a huge part of Europe and from specific groups--Jews mostly, homosexuals, gypsies, mentally retarded....] The American torture and death camps are also mostly done abroad to "enemies."


The U.S. found long ago that taxation hurts less and is less resisted if it is "withheld" before the "donor"  receives the money. They learned also that using inflation, by pouring out more paper dollars for the same amount of economic transactions, is the most indirect, least seen, least understood form of taxation. And having the Fed set interest rates to drain money form savers like old people to give it to the very rich in the Big Banks and other Big Corps. and Hedge Fund speculators, etc., is almost never understood by ordinary Americans, so the government has gone to more and more indirect ways of taxing and expropriating from one group to give to another. The same is true of central planning. If you massively plan the lives of people in detail, as Gosplan did to a large degree in the USSR in the early days of the Stalinist high tyranny, they get mad as hell and revolt.

So the government moved more and more to using "indicative central planning" by which the government plans and controls general indices and activities which create a general, wrap around situation of choice of the citizens. They get to choose, but only within the context set by the government and its vast legal and regulatory agencies, so they wind up choosing only from the alternatives which the government approves of–plans and controls by determining the wrap around situations.

The U.S. has the most vast spying and secret police system in the history of the world. Most of the spying is done indirectly and very secretly by the NSA and all of the other fifteen known federal secret police armies. The NSA spies on the U.S. and the entire world through vast systems using all of the media known to mankind, from billions of telephone intercepts every day to spy satellites circling the globe to listening devices under the oceans to drone tv and plane radar and radio interception to massive internet and other print  surveys, including secret surveys and analyses of all major financial transactions. Even vast armies of  government workers who do not look like secret police feed masses of personal, supposedly private data into this immense system of U.S. Omni-Spying. Internal Revenue and overt police date of all kinds feed into this System The vast "private" security cameras now placed almost everywhere in our stores, schools, hospitals, apartments and streets are almost instantly available to the Omni-Spying System of the U.S.

NO SOCIETY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN SECRETLY, INDIRECTLY SPIED ON TO THE VAST DEGREE AMERICANS ARE SPIED ON BY THE FEDERAL, STATE AND LCCAL GOVERNMENTS. As any data search worker can tell you, there is almost nothing about Americans in print, sound or videos that is not easily accessed and surveyed and used to control you directly or indirectly.
NO SOCIETY IN HISTORY HAS HAD SUCH AN IMMENSE PROPORTION OF ITS POPULATION INVOLVED IN PROFESSIONAL SECRET POLICE AND OVERT POLICE AND CONTROLLERS OF ALL KINDS AT THE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LEVELS. A few states infamous for their direct totalitarianism, such as Albania and East Germany and North Korea, may at times have had a greater proportion of civilian, part time spies in neighborhoods, but the U.S. relies overwhelmingly on the far more indirect, secret Omni-Spying of the NSA and other secret armies of professionals.

I AND MANY OTHER PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WRITING ABOUT THIS RAPID GROWTH OF THE OMNI-SPYING AND INDIRECT, WRAP AROUND TOTALITARIAN SYSTEM OF THE U.S. SECRET POLICE STATE FOR DECADES. Almost all intelligent academics, scientists, intellectuals, journalists and higher level government workers know about it in some vague way, just as was true in Nazi Germany, the communist USSR and other societies. But they  have almost all chosen to play deaf and dumb and blind and stupid to what is happening because anyone who deals with it in major public settings is "banished" by the modern disappearance from the System, which can be devastating to one's life in all ways. Some pretend we need this System for our own safety and well being, but that is as insane as shooting yourself in the head to save yourself from a sore foot.

This vast, growing central planning and control of American lives directly and indirectly by all possible means, including the immense spying and secret police activities, have distorted our society more and more, pushed us into vast inflationary-deflationary Booms and Busts, and is now destroying the foundations of our economy and more and more of  our lives. The inflation-deflation cycles obscure the fact that we are trending down faster and faster in all basic ways, from education and science and technology to jobs, incomes, and health. The Fed is quietly rigging the whole system of paper money, finance and credit to move incomes away from the middle classes to the very rich, the Oligarchs. People are suffering more and more across a growing spectrum of life and are getting more and more depressed, anxious, and enraged. We seem clearly to be in a Great Crisis produced by the government planning, controls and expropriating money by the Fed to build the immense wealth of the Oligarchy. We are trapped in the spiral downward that led to the crash and implosion of the Soviet Global Empire, except that we are suffering far greater Bubbles of inflation which are very destructive. Since the Republicrat Party controls the laws to prevent the emergence of an independent political reform party, just as the Soviets and Egyptians did but in different ways, the "reforms" of the System even in this Great Crisis are absurd charades which will only make things worse.

It seems very clear that at some point the U.S. will face the same kind of mass revolt of the people we  have seen in the USSR, Egypt and many other societies in recent decades.
Jack D. Douglas is professor emeritus of sociology at UCSD.

Obama Advice to Egypt


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Repeal of Obamacare Falls Short 4 Votes in Senate

Repeal of Obamacare Falls Short 4 Votes in Senate

doctorbulldog | 2 February, 2011 at 6:56 pm | Categories: politics | URL:

Actually, I'm surprised that it failed to pass by only four votes.  Looks like a few DemonRats actually paid attention to the midterm elections and decided to amend their original health care votes:

Senate Republicans lose vote on health law

By DAVID ESPO, AP - via Yahoo News

WASHINGTON – A Republican drive to repeal the year-old health care law ended in party-line defeat in the Senate on Wednesday, leaving the Supreme Court to render a final, unpredictable verdict on an issue steeped in political and constitutional controversy. The vote was 47-51. Moments earlier, the Senate agreed to make one relatively minor change in the law, voting to strip out a paperwork requirement for businesses.

President Barack Obama, who has vowed to veto any total repeal of his signature legislative accomplishment, has said he would accept the change. It does not directly affect health care.

Republicans conceded in advance their attempt at total repeal would fall short, but they accomplished an objective of forcing rank and file Democrats to take a position on an issue that reverberated in the 2010 campaign and may play a role in 2012.



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‘Camp David Made Us a Slave’

'Camp David Made Us a Slave'
Posted by Lew Rockwell on February 2, 2011 03:27 PM

We don't want war, and we don't want Camp David, since it means other countries controlling us, an Egyptian demonstrator told the Jerusalem Post.


'We know that Netanyahu cannot sleep now'
Protesters tell 'The Jerusalem Post' they don't feel Egypt is completely free of Israeli occupation, "Camp David made us a slave."
02/02/2011 13:37
CAIRO – Like many of the protesters at Tahrir Square this week, 26-year-old Muhammad Salama of Cairo spoke of an eagerness for Egypt to shelve its 1979 peace agreement with Israel, but insisted he does not want war with the Jewish state.

In his hands he held a sign reading in Arabic, "Netanyahu is worried about Mubarak," which he said he wrote because "this is my country and my leader. I don't want him to care about Israel, only about my country."

Salama spoke after President Hosni Mubarak gave a nationwide speech on Tuesday night vowing to hold new elections in which he would not run. Like all of those spoken to by The Jerusalem Post after the speech, Salama said he didn't feel the speech represented a victory for the movement, only a new ploy by Mubarak to stall and stay in power.

Salama and others who spoke with the Post vowed that they would stay in the square until Mubarak leaves and that the revolution is far from over.

Salama's friend Hazan Ahmed, 29, said the years of peace with Israel were tinged with the sting of humiliation, and that Egyptians still feel their country is not completely free of the Israeli occupation of Sinai that ended under Camp David.

"The Egyptian army can't enter Sinai, we feel that it is still Israel. There are Israeli people there all the time, but when we go, we have to stop at checkpoints and we get turned back. We don't feel that Sinai is Egyptian."

Ahmed said he didn't want the treaty with Israel completely dismantled, but for it to undergo a serious change.

"It should be remodeled. With Mubarak leaving, we know that whoever comes next will remodel the agreement," he said.

When asked about the fact that Israel and Egypt have not gone to war since the agreement was signed, Ahmed, an unemployed medical school graduate, said, "Yes, we have peace, but we have no dignity."

Cairene Muhammad Gadi, a 33-year-old sales manager, walked around Tahrir Square on Tuesday holding a placard of Mubarak with a Star of David drawn on his forehead. He said he made it because "we don't want to take our orders from Israel anymore. We will keep the peace, but we won't let Israel or any other country tell us what to do anymore. We don't need to take orders from the world."

Abdel Aziz, 27, from Mubarak's hometown of Kafr El-Meselha, also held a sign. It said, "Bollocks to you, Mubarak, it's all over."

When asked about Israel, Aziz said "this is not about Israel, this is about our country first, we don't care about other countries.

This is not why we are doing this."

Ahmad Ragab, 42, spoke more vehemently toward Israel. "Look, all Egyptian people hate Israel, only Sadat wanted Camp David. We know that Israel will be mad about what is happening here, and we know that Netanyahu can't sleep now.

We know that with the change here, there won't be peace with Israel. There won't be a war, but I don't think there will be an Israeli embassy in Egypt any more, we will have only the most minimal relations."

Ragab, who studied Chinese and works in Egypt-China business relations, said, "We know the revolution will change this and that's that, we see every day what Israel is doing with the Palestinians."

At the same time, like all others asked by the Post after Mubarak's speech about the revolution's meaning for Israel-Egypt relations, Ragab said the issue was not at all at the heart of the upheaval that began on January 25.

"People in Egypt have no work, no future, 90 percent of Egyptian people see they have no future. They are tired," he said.

Salama made a similar remark. "I work 20 hours a day in security for 300 Egyptian pounds [about $55] a month, I feel terrible doing this. I studied law, I am a poet and a writer, too, but I have no options and I can't get married. I have a good education, I deserve a good chance to prove I can be somebody," he said.

As much as resentment toward Israel or the US, or at the violence by Mubarak's security services and the state police are mentioned by the protesters, their movement appears to be much more driven by exhaustion at a future that promises nothing to a largely destitute citizenry that doesn't feel they have the ability to support themselves or their families. Among the young people especially, the issue of not having a future in the country where they grew up stokes their fury, and drives them to seek the answers in democracy.

When asked how democracy will bring prosperity to a country where nearly half the populace lives on less than $2 a day, most protesters seemed at a loss for a definitive answer, but all expressed absolute certainty that the removal of Mubarak and his kleptocratic regime will surely bring them a greater chance at prosperity.

For Ahmed Khater, a 26-year-old Cairene sitting in the square with the words "Mubarak get the hell out" written on his forehead, the promise of a better future has never been clearer.

"I have a bachelor's degree and I get paid 500 pounds [about $90] a month to be a computer technician. I can't get married, I have no future. Mubarak's people they just steal our money, they keep everything for themselves and they forget that we are the owners of the country," Khater said.

"We were sleeping until now, but we are awake."

The White House Jihadist, Obama, Stands by Muslim Brotherhood Endorsement

The White House Jihadist, Obama, Stands by Muslim Brotherhood Endorsement

twg2a PitBull | February 2, 2011 at 12:46 | Categories: Communism/Marxism/Racism, Islam | URL:

Obama proved, long ago, his allegiance to his brothers in islam.  The United States Of America MUST remove this islamist from OUR White House. Before it's too late. ******************************************************** Israel National News by Hillel Fendel For the first time, a U.S. government supports granting a government role to an extremist Islamic organization: the Muslim Brotherhood [...]

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MSNBC's Rachel Maddow duped by Satire Site...blames Glenn Beck (Video)

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow duped by Satire Site...blames Glenn Beck (Video)

Another pseudo-intellect from the left, MSNBS's Rachel Maddow, was duped by a satirical website called Christwire. Maddow used Christwire's 'information' to attack Sarah Palin. The problem? It was fake.

Watch the smarmy lib-twit at work...

After realizing that she had been duped, Maddow blamed Fox News' Glenn Beck and other conservatives for her getting duped.

Noel Sheppard, over atNewsbusters.orgreports:

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Monday got duped by a satirical website quoting from their spoof article about Sarah Palin advocating an attack on Egypt as if it was a serious commentary.

On Tuesday, proving once again that it takes a lot of rationalizations to be a liberal these days, Maddow blamed her mistake on Fox News's Glenn Beck and other prominent conservatives (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

Click to watch the video>>>


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