But then we all knew that.
Bruce Majors wrote:
Where are the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking for help in restoring Iowa and North Dakota and Nashville ; helping the folks affected by the floods? Where is good old Michael Moore?
Why is the media NOT asking the tough questions about why the federal government hasn't solved this problem?
.....Asking where the FEMA trucks and trailers and food services are?
Why isn't the Federal government moving Iowa people into free hotels in Chicago and Minneapolis ?
When will Spike Lee say that the Federal government blew up the levees that failed in Des Moines ?
Where are Sean Penn, Bono, and the Dixie Chicks?
Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes, cases of beer and television sets?
When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a "vanilla" Iowa ... because that's what God wants?
Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of shootings at rescuers, of rapes and murder?
Where are all the people screaming that Barack Obama hates white, rural people?My God, where are Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Oprah, and Ray Coniff Jr?
How come you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again?
Where are the government bail out vouchers?
The government debit cards?
There must be one hell of a big difference between the value of the people of Iowa and value of the people of Louisiana .
Pass this unedited, un-doctored, factual information forward ..... to get Americans thinking.
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